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Information Exchange Squeekx a Call to Action
Information Exchange and; not! But, for our purpose, they sound and mean the same. It has long been said that “the squeaking wheel gets the grease.” In our case, and as implied by the quote, squeekx and squeaks are “calls to action” and Information Exchange is the medium for implementation. Action is needed in many areas of our lives to counter the adverse influences from political, religious, social, educational, financial, legal, career, etc., forces. In recent years these forces have changed drastically and are no longer as predictable or as adaptable to as they once were. There are many reasons for these changes and on the pages and postings of Squeekx.Com we will attempt to address some of the issues. Many of the “examinations” will be based only on the opinion of the author of the posted articles, tempered by opinionated input of others. But attempt will be made to support the opinions with facts and rational thought. Join the discussions through the Comments and Forums provisions offered. We will make no pretense of the absolute truth: “John 14:6 – Jesus saith unto him, I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me.” However, we will present our perceptions and solicit yours.
Information vs Knowledge
Information n. 1. The act of informing or the condition of being informed, communication of knowledge. 2. Knowledge derived from study, experience or instruction. 3. Knowledge of a specific event or situation; news; word. 4. A service or facility for supplying facts or news. 5. Law. An accusation of a crime made by a public officer rather than by indictment by a grand jury. 6. A non-accidental signal used as an input to a computer or communication system. 7. A numerical measure of the uncertainty of an experimental outcome (The American Heritage Dictionary, New College Edition, 1976).
Knowledge n. 1. The state or fact of knowing. 2. Familiarity, awareness, or understanding gained through experience or study. 3. That which is known; the sum or range of what has been perceived, discovered, or inferred. 4. Learning; erudition: men of knowledge. 5. Specific information about something. 6. Obsolete. Sexual intercourse; copulation. Now used only in the phrase carnal knowledge (The American Heritage Dictionary, New College Edition, 1976).
Information, knowledge, learning, erudition, lore, scholarship, wisdom, and enlightenment are Synonyms.
The content of the human mind consists of daily interactions and perceptions. Perceptions based on observations, experiences, what they have heard, what they have read, learned, or inferred from experimentation. These perceptions are stored in the mind as information, knowledge, data, and understanding. Information and knowledge are records of the past. Information is data with meaning based on connections and relationships – processed data. Knowledge is the collection of information in a way that makes it useful through determination of patterns within information sets – data modeled to be useful. Without information you will not have knowledge.
Wisdom n. 1. Understanding of what is true, right, or lasting. 2. Common sense; sagacity; good judgement: “it is a characteristic of wisdom not to do desperate things (Thoreau). 3. Learning; erudition (The American Heritage Dictionary, New College Edition, 1976).
Wisdom refers to the ability to make sensible decisions and give good advice on the basis of experience and knowledge of the person of wisdom. Much can be learned about “wisdom” from the book of Proverbs in the Holy Bible. Wisdom is only gained by experience.
Intelligence n. 1. a. The capacity to acquire and apply knowledge. b. The faculty of thought and reason. c. Superior powers of mind. 2. a. Rare. An intelligent being. b. Often capital 1. An incorporeal being that personifies the mind; especially, an angel. c. Capital 1. Christian Science. “The primal and eternal quality of…God” (Mary Baker Eddy). 3. Received information, news. 4. a. Secret information; especially, such information about an enemy. b. The work of gathering such information. c. An agency, staff, or office employed in such work (The American Heritage Dictionary, New College Edition, 1976).
Intelligence, essentially, is the capacity to acquire, process, and apply knowledge.