
American Rights American bold Quest to Secure

America and American Rights America and American Rights were passionately reviewed in the following presentation, “This Says it All,” by…

9 years ago

Domestic Terrorism Hood Generated Nationally

Domestic Terrorism from the Hood Domestic Terrorism on the streets of Chicago!  Demonstrations started on South-side Chicago, IL, as reported…

9 years ago

Government Nepotism Endangers our Nation

Nepotism Nepotism is defined (The American Heritage Dictionary, New College Edition) as “Favoritism shown or patronage granted by persons in…

9 years ago

Personal Immorality is Promoted by US Government Policies

Personal Immorality Promoted by Government Policy Personal immorality, in the population of individuals and within the confines of institutions and…

9 years ago

Founding Fathers Quotes Show Amazing Accuracy

15 Quotes from Our Founding Fathers About Economics, Capitalism and Banking (submitted by e-mail from an observant contributor) Founding Fathers…

10 years ago

Ferguson, Missouri Outrage Continues Unabated

Ferguson, Missouri Inflamed Ferguson, Missouri Inflamed Deceit Ferguson, Missouri inflamed and aflame!  A condition of their own cultural, or lack…

10 years ago

Race and Racism Reality Check

Race and Racism Race and racism, what are the problems, and do they really exist detached?  Are they abstract terms?…

10 years ago

United States Constitution Revisited

United States Constitution The United States Constitution is apparently prohibited reading by the Democrat Party.  The so-called "Progressives" have, for…

10 years ago

Two Americas Not One

Two Americas Two Americas!  The below article was taken from an e-mail provided by an interested party.  I am in…

10 years ago

The American Dream Disappears

The American Dream The American Dream is quickly disappearing, as pointed out in the following observations. SHORT, TRUTHFUL, AND TIME…

10 years ago